Giving Gifts

Santa Claus will come to your home delivering presents to the children.  Make a place for him to sit down in your home and he will open up his bag and call each child by name, giving them their Christmas gifts as they sit upon his lap for pictures.


***Presents must be provided for Santa

  Reading A Story

Santa Claus will come to your home and read a story to your children.  My favorite story for this time of year and one that the children love is, "Twas the Night Before Christmas."  Gather the children around as Santa reads and shows the pictures from the book getting the little ones excited about the Christmas season.  If you would like a different book read to the children, please let Santa know ahead of time.  

  The Truth

Invite Santa into your home to sit with everyone and explain the true meaning of Christmas.  I will tell the story in a way that both children and adults alike will enjoy.  As your family hears the wonderful story of the birth of the Christ child and our savior, you will hear how it pertains to the lights, Christmas Tree and other Christmas traditions that you might have.  Everyone will come away with a greater joy for celebrating Jesus' Birth!

  Get Married

Getting Married???  Why not celebrate a Christmas season wedding by letting Santa Claus do the wedding?  Santa Ken is an ordained minister and will do everything possible to make your wedding day a special one.  Your friends and family will definitely remember a wedding that's performed by the man in red!

Santa Has Started His Visits - Here is Info. You Should Know

It is that time of the year again. Santa and Mrs. Claus have started to make their rounds, and your family’s visit is coming up very soon. This is our seventh year doing this and every year, it gets bigger and bigger, and I end up having to turn people away. That is never the way that I wanted this thing to be, but there are only so many hours in a day. So I figured I’d send this email to clarify some things that I tend to get asked a lot.  As there was some misunderstanding about some of these things last year, I thought it was time to explain the way our Santa visits operate.

First, we cannot ever guarantee Mrs. Claus. We do not charge for her to accompany me, since she cannot always be with me. As you know, she is my wife, Kim and since I commit 10-12 hours a day to getting all of you into the schedule, she must stay behind and maintain the home and the things that are happening in our personal life and church. She does attend about 85% of my visits, but I apologize if she cannot be at yours.

People have questioned the 30-40 minutes that I end up being at your activity. Yes, I advertise $40 for an hour, but please realize that the one way that I can keep my costs down is by getting to as many homes as I can in a day. That means that your hour includes the 20-minute ride from the last visit to your visit.

If you live further than the local Williamstown area, that means that my travel time to your area will hinder me from booking a visit during the next hour. This is why I ask those of you to pay for the extra time that I need to block off travelling to your location and then back to Williamstown. I really appreciate all of you and your openness in doing so. I have never had a complaint.

The most asked question is how can I get a visit on Christmas Eve. First of all, know that if you are booked on Christmas Eve, you get a shorter visit.  Because of the requests for that day, I need to be jumping to a new house every 45 minutes. So Christmas Eve visits are 20 minutes long.  I will never rush out on you, so please be mindful of this when I am at your home. Also most people who are booked for Christmas Eve have been my customers from the very beginning and they always get first choice for their time slot for the coming years.  If by chance, a family decides to no longer have us visit on Christmas Eve, then I can put another family in. However, in 7 years, I have only had one family drop out. Many keep us visiting them on Christmas Eve long after the children have grown up. As, most of you know, the adults love our visits as much, and sometimes even more than the children.

One area where I really need your help is with the booking of your visit. Many are now booking up to a year and sometimes a few years ahead. I am glad to oblige, but I noticed last year that there were a few who booked a date to hold a visit and then cancelled out as the time drew near. This many times hinders me from visiting children who could have been visited had I not had to turn that visit away because it was previously booked.

In 7 years, and even through Covid, I never cancelled a single appointment. I know that we do not have a contract, but I want you all to know how seriously I take our arrangement. As I get older, I understand that my limitations will change. But for right now, I feel that I am good and able to do what I book.  So, unless I am contagious or dying, I WILL BE AT YOUR EVENT! I just ask for the same sentiments from you. At this point, because the calendar is so booked now, and we have started our visits, I ask if you cancel out, please consider paying for the time that you cancelled out on. That will also help me continue to keep the costs down every year.

Another thing that I hear at many visits is “You need to charge more.”  I feel that what we offer at each visit is much better than other people out there offer and worth much more than what we charge. I thank you for your concern for me, but this was never about the money. (Please read my bio on the website) I will not charge what other Santa’s charge because it would hinder me from going to children whose parents may not be able to afford it. But please know that if you are of the mind to give a little more than the normal rate (and so many of you do), it is always appreciated. Many of you give us food to take home with us from your event, and that is always appreciated as well. Many of my Saturdays and Sundays are so busy that I do not get to eat until extremely late at night.

I am getting constant invites for visits on Facebook Messenger, emails, texts, and the website. I try to keep on top of it the best that I can. But I have made some mistakes. I appreciate all of you who have worked with me through those, but changing your times, sometimes your dates to accommodate everyone.  You are all truly amazing.


All that being said, we are ready to bring the joy, magic, and love of Christmas to your home and family this year!

Santa Ken and Mrs. Claus

It's Time to Book Your Santa Visit for 2024

Actually, it's past your time to book, as many have been booking for the last year already.  It is crazy to me how big this thing has gotten and it is all because of you. 


Most of the weekends times are gone.  There are still a few in the early afternoon hours.  I do have plenty of weekday evenings still available and some are even booking through the month of November to get some weekend dates.  No matter what date you pick to book for, you know already that we are going to have a lot of fun when Santa shows up at your home.

Keep in mind that if you are 100 percent assured of your date for following years, you can book that far ahead.  I just ask that you don't hold a spot and then cancel it when it doesn't work out.


I'm looking forward to seeing your families again and bringing the magic and joy of CHRISTmas into your home.

I'll see you all real soon.

Santa's Calendar is Full for 2021

First, I want to say thank you to all my returning customers and a slew of new families that are expecting a visit from Santa into their homes this year.  I can't wait to meet all of these new families and hopefully bring a ton of Christmas joy to each of them.

Secondly, I must (unfortunately) let everyone know that my calendar for 2021 is closed.  There is no way that I can possibly get any new visits in.  Hopefully, you will think about booking with me for next year so that you don't get left out again.  Thank you for your interest in a home visit from Santa Ken.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Santa is Booking Dates to Come to Your House in 2019

I know that it is only October, but Santa's Calendar is filling up quickly.  If you have the date of your family Christmas party and you want Santa to attend, please check out Santa's calendar and send him an invite.  Many people booked with me before last year even ended.  Don't Miss Out!  

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